Goodwood Festival of Speed 2022: Photos of the action from day one
Parent felt ‘dirty and unsafe’ after visiting Eastbourne pool
AL/85/22/HH: Reed Cottage, Westergate Street, Westergate. Erection of detached garage with room above and 1 x dormer following the demolition of existing detached garage.
AL/88/22/PL: 45 Ivy Lane, Westergate. Variation of condition 3 imposed under AL/46/22/HH relating to rewording of the surface water condition to enable loft conversion works to take place.
AW/104/22/PL: 8 Gossamer Lane. 1 No bungalow including parking, boundary fence, and alterations to entrance wall and driveway. This application may affect the setting of listed buildings and is in CIL Zone 4 and is CIL Liable as a new dwelling.
AW/154/22/HH: 78 The Drive. Conversion of loft to habitable use including installation of 1 x rear dormer and alterations to fenestration/openings. This application may affect the character and appearance of the Craigwell House, Aldwick Conservation Area.
AW/155/22/HH: 35 Grosvenor Gardens. Creation of first floor, including the installation of 3 x dormers and 1 x rear juliette balcony, erection of single storey side and rear extension and alterations to fenestration, following the demolition of existing garage, conservatory and side store.
A/130/22/HH: 49 East Drive. Single storey side and front extensions.
A/131/22/HH: The Honey Pot, Honey Lane. Conversion of an existing attached garage to residential accommodation including installation of 1 x rear dormer.
A/137/22/HH: 30 Arundel Road. Erection of single storey detached garage and shed and installation of new boundary wall and fence.
BE/57/22/PL: Land adjacent to Tesco Express, 351 Chichester Road. Erection of 6 No. 2-storey dwellings consisting of 2 No 2 bed units & 4 No 3 bed units, access, parking, cycle storage, bin store and other associated landscape works (resubmission following BE/104/21/PL). This site is in CIL Zone 4 & is CIL Liable as new dwellings.
BE/67/22/PL: Blackbirds, North Bersted Street. Variation of condition imposed under BE/155/20/HH relating to condition 2- approved plans (removal of rear extension).
BR/140/22/DOC: Berghestede, Shripney Road. Approval of details reserved by condition imposed under BR/281/21/L relating to condition 3-materials and finishes and section of frame for French doors.
BR/119/22/PL: Butlins, Upper Bognor Road. New reception kiosk and alterations to car park layout. This application is in CIL Zone 4 (zero rated) as other development.
BR/141/22/HH: 1 Parklands Avenue. Erection of single storey side/rear and other side extension, front porch extension and installation of first floor rear terrace, following demolition of existing front porch.
CM/48/21/RES: Land to the West of Church Lane AND South of Horsemere Green Lane. Readvertisement due to amended plans. Approval of reserved matters following the grant of CM/1/17/OUT for the erection of 300 No dwellings & a building within use class E, together with public open space, LAPs, LEAP & ancillary works, including car parking & drainage arrangements, with access off Church Lane & Horsemere Green Lane. This application may affect the setting of listed buildings & is in CIL Zone 4 (HSP2) & is not CIL Liable.
EP/71/22/HH: 3 Normandy Drive. Hip to gable loft conversion including installation of 1 x side dormer and rooflights.
FP/100/22/HH: 32 Links Avenue. Single storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration.
LU/154/22/TEL: Land at junction of Hollyhock Way and Worthing Road. Prior Notification under Schedule 2 Part 16 Class A for a proposed 5G telecoms installation: H3G Phase 8 high street pole c/w wrap-around cabinet: and 3 further additional equipment cabinets.
LU/149/22/PL: The Beach, Former Promenade Shelter, Sea Road. Cover to existing roof terrace and first floor extension to provide toilets and store. This site is in CIL Zone 5 (Zero Rated) as other development.
LU/180/22/PL: The Old Printworks, 7 Arundel Road. Change of use from light industrial (E (g) (iii) Use Class) to residential use (C3 Use Class) to create 1 No 2 bedroom dwelling, including creation of internal courtyard garden, door and window alterations, installation of a micro wind turbine and solar panels, and refuse and cycle storage provision (resubmission following LU/79/22/PL). This application is in CIL Zone 4 and is CIL Liable as new dwelling.
LU/183/22/HH: 39 Cornwall Road. Erection of accommodation for dependant relative ancillary to main dwelling. This site is in CIL Zone 4 and is CIL Liable as new dwelling.
LU/184/22/HH: 1 Hearnfield Road. Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory and detached garage.
LU/186/22/PL: Hollyacre, Offices, Toddington Lane. Demolition of redundant services building, removal of temporary containers and construction of new single storey warehouse unit. This site is in CIL Zone 2 (Zero Rated) as other development.
M/67/22/HH: 4 Ancton Lodge, Ancton Lodge Lane. Erection of part single, part two storey rear extension, installation of front porch and restructuring of roof.
M/66/22/HH: 8 West Close. Erection of outbuilding.
P/104/22/CLE: The Boathouse, Land between 68 & 70 East Front Road. Lawful development certificate for the existing use of 'The Boathouse' as a 1-bedroom dwelling house.
P/105/22/PL: Land at Manor Park. Continued use of the application site for Public Open Space meeting the definition of same at Section 336 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
R/122/22/HH: Berrow, Milton Avenue. Single storey side and rear extension and hip to gable loft conversion including the installation of 1 x rear dormer following the demolition of existing garage.
R/132/22/PL: West Hayne, 19 Angmering Lane, East Preston. Variation of condition following R/209/21/HH relating to Condition No 2 - approved plans.
R/134/22/HH: 15 Broadmark Way. Erection of single storey front, rear and side extensions and replacement roof with rooms in new roof space, including the installation of 2 x front and 1 x rear dormers and rooflights, following the demolition of existing front porch and rear conservatories.
Y/76/22/PL: Bonhams Field, Main Road. Temporary change of use of a residential dwelling to a sales area alongside associated car parking. This application may affect the setting of a listed building and the site is in CIL zone (Zero Rated) as other development.
Y/79/22/HH: 8 Lambs Cottages, Bilsham Road. Erection of single storey rear conservatory.