Rainbow Six Siege Update Y7S1.1 Fixes Audio Issues and Team Deathmatch Bugs | Player.One

2022-04-24 07:53:25 By : Mr. Calvin Ye

Rainbow Six Siege Update Y7S1.1 is coming on April 1. It’s a small update with a file size between 1.1 and 2.17 GB depending on the platform. The coming update will fix issues with audio, Team Deathmatch, and others.

Sound is an important aspect of a shooter game because noise serves as clues to all players. So, if sounds are not synchronized with what's happening, players are likely to be confused. In R6 Siege, enemy footsteps weren't inconsistent making them unreliable to determine the actual distance of enemies or even allies. The upcoming small patch resolves it, though it may still occur when players are using the drone to scout.

Team Deathmatch is a newly introduced mode, so of course, issues are present here and there. One problem is related to the audio, where attackers and defenders on the same team have louder sound effects. The upcoming small patch includes the needed fix.

You can read more about the update here.