A complete guide on finding all The Suburbs Collectibles in The Last of Us Part 1 Remake.
Wondering how to obtain all of The Last of Us Part 1 Suburbs Collectibles? Here, we’ll show you where to look for every memento you can find as you explore the post-apocalyptic cities of America.
The Last of Us Part 1: Chapter 6 (or The Suburbs) is broken up into two parts: Sewers and Suburbs. Read on, and we’ll break down exactly when and where each collectible can be found, from start to finish.
Overall, there are 10 Artifacts and 4 Firefly Pendants, 2 Training Manuals, 2 Comics and 1 Tool Upgrade that you can find in this chapter.
As such, these are The Suburbs collectibles you can obtain in sequence:
After waking up on the riverbank with Henry, Sam, and Ellie, you will find yourself on a beach to start this chapter. Get to an abandoned boat by following Ellie along the riverbank.
Get on board and open the door of the captain’s cabin. You’ll find the Boat Note artifact on a seat to your left.
This is found on the same room where you collected the Boat Note artifact.
Simply turn around and and collect the Antiparticles Comic sitting on top of the control panel.
This one is located in the hull of the abandoned boat.. You’ll find a hole in front of you immediately after exiting the captain’s cabin. Go down there.
Scheffler’s Firefly Pendant can be found on the ground next to the barrel as soon as you hit the ground.
Shortly after slipping through the sewer entrance, you’ll see a small tunnel off to the right with water rushing out of it.
You’ll eventually find yourself in another room with some stone pillars. You can find Righetti’s Firefly Pendant to your left hanging on a branch by some running water.
Heading back to the main tunnel, Taking the fork to the right will lead you to a gate that Ellie will open.
Once inside, climb a few steps and turn left. You’ll find the Sewers Note artifact sitting on a table.
Regroup with Henry and Sam again and follow them to a flooded room with a moving platform and generator.
You’ll see a partially submerged car to your left. Dive underwater and collect Fuentes’s Firefly Pendant by the car’s front bumper.
You and Henry will activate the gate from inside the flooded room. Upon reaching the other side, Joel will climb a ladder, after which you’ll discover a door to your right with 2 clickers.
Proceed to the room’s back left corner, where you’ll find some supplies and the Trading Note artifact lying on the floor among some books (You can either stealth through or kill the clickers).
You will need to carry Ellie over the flooded room and then exit through a new portion of the tunnel.
Continuing on, you’ll come to a short hallway with a small room off to your left. Step inside and pick up the Level 3 Tools from the floor next to a chair.
After tripping into a noise trap when Joel opens the door, you’ll enter a living area (with a House Rules sign posted prominently along the left wall).
Head over the barrier and pick up a new weapon. You’ll find the Bomb Containment Training Manual a little bit further ahead on a rack with some supplies.
After passing through the next gate, you will briefly face off against a few of infected. Once dealt, head up the stairs to your right before heading over the barrier.
Once you reach the top, look to your right and you’ll find the Rain Catcher Note artifact sitting at the corner of a table with some water containers.
Now go back down, hop over the barrier and climb the stairs. You’ll eventually find a door to your left behind the rack, open it and go inside.
Once inside, head into the back left corner and you’ll find the Cornered Note artifact on the ground beside a corpse.
After you and Sam have been separated from Ellie and Henry, you’ll find this in the first large area you enter. However, you’ll inevitably have to kill a bunch of stalkers first though.
Once dealt, you’ll eventually pass through what Sam refers to as a classroom. You can find the Kid’s Drawing artifact sitting on top of the bookshelf in front of a chalkboard.
Upon escaping the sewers at the beginning of the section, go along the road, turn left, and enter the second house on the right (the one with a front porch) and go upstairs.
On the second floor, Head through the door on the left to find a room with a bunk bed and a flipped table. You’ll find the Looting Note artifact sitting on top of a cabinet beside a picture frame.
After returning to the main street, make a sharp right turn and descend steeply. You’ll see an open garage with a workbench on your left when Sam and Ellie talks about the ice cream truck.
Get inside the adjacent red brick house and head to the second floor. Take the first left and go inside a blue themed room with a triangle shaped wall art. You’ll find the Father’s Note artifact on top of the PC table.
From the same room, look back along the corridor towards the attic entrance, you’ll see a string hanging there. Pull it to bring down the whole trapdoor and boost Ellie up.
The Melee Techniques Training Manual may be found in the attic, and Ellie will eventually give it to you.
Leave the brick house and go into the adjacent white one (the one where you saw the dogs fighting).
head to the second floor and go inside the first bedroom with a safe. You’ll find the Survivor’s Note artifact on the floor beside a dumbbell.
On the same floor, go to the second bedroom adjacent to the bathroom.
You’ll find the Messenger Particle Comic sitting on top of the PC table.
Now head to the third floor and immediately look to your right to collect the Matchbook artifact sitting on top of a shelf.
After that, go back to the room where you collected the Survivor’s Note artifact and open the safe with the code 8-21-36.
Head back to the street and continue along to your left. Climb your way up the backyard of the white house with a Tree standing in the center.
You’ll find Glueck’s Firefly Pendant Hanging from one of it’s branches, Shoot it down so you can collect it, or you can pick up a brick nearby to throw at it.
If you like our The Suburbs Collectibles Locations guide, check out our other The Last of Us Part 1 articles here.
Also check out CIBI Nation’s Gameplay & Cutscenes in Last of Us Part 1 Remake below, where ELLIE is taught how to use a RIFLE: