Several on-ramps will also be closed, including the Maitland Avenue, Carling Avenue and Parkdale Avenue eastbound on-ramps.
Expect numerous delays and detours if you’re planning to drive on the Queensway in mid-August.
A massive construction project will close Highway 417 in both eastbound and westbound directions for at least five days from Thursday, Aug. 11 to Monday, Aug. 15, according to the construction group that has been retained to replace the aging Booth Street bridge.
The Kiewit Dufferin Midtown Partnership group announced on Friday it had been retained by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to complete the roadwork.
The eastbound and westbound lanes will be closed between Kent Street and Island Park Drive at 8 p.m. on Aug. 11 and will remain closed until 6 a.m. Aug. 15, the company announced.
Several on-ramps will also be closed, including the Maitland Avenue, Carling Avenue and Parkdale Avenue eastbound on-ramps.
Westbound on-ramps will be closed at O’Connor Street and Rochester Street, while westbound on-ramps will remain closed at Bronson Avenue and Lyon Street.
KDMP said it will implement traffic control staging and there will be detours in place through city streets.
Booth Street will also be closed between Normand and Arlington Streets, and the company said that close is expected to last until Aug. 25.
KDMP said it is “intent to keep an open and upfront communication channel with all residents and affected agencies.”
The company announced last fall it had been retained to complete similar work on the Highway 417 bridges spanning Preston Street, Rochester Street, Booth Street, Bronson Avenue and Percy Street, along with “operational improvements” to O-Train bridges and noise barrier replacements between Island Park Drive and Kent Street.
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